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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving, Friends and Film Fans!!!

 What are the BEST movies to learn and grow with GRATITUDE? 
Here is a list of 'The Dating Diva's' top 10....

The Pursuit of Happyness – Tear-jerker…every time! This fantastic film is sure to remind you to be grateful for all of those times when you thought you couldn’t do it anymore, but just kept pushing anyway. An inspiring story, to say the least.

 Pay It Forward – Okay…another tear-jerker, right here! This film from 2000 reminds us that we never really know the good we’ll do until we start doing it.

Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving – What’s Thanksgiving all about, anyway? Charlie Brown has the answer, as always!

 Freaky Friday – Think everyone else has it made but you? Think again! You never know what someone else is going through until you walk in their shoes…literally.

The Ultimate Gift – Life requires hard work, and relying on the relationships of others to pull us through. The Ultimate Gift reminds us that we must be humble to learn and grow, and always be good to others – always!

 Split Infinity – I’ll admit, I hadn’t ever heard of this movie until fellow Diva Becca suggested it…and it is fantastic! So many people do so much without it ever being known – there really are angels among us!

 A Little Princess“I am a Princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they live in rags. Even if they aren’t pretty, or young, or smart, they’re still princesses. All of us! Didn’t your father ever tell you that? Didn’t he?” One of my favorite quotes! A Little Princess teaches us that we always can uplift and inspire others, no matter what hardships we’ve been through.

 A Mile In His Shoes – This movie really drives “home”{no pun intended!} that just because someone is different doesn’t mean they can’t be a talented and incredible person. Perfect for family night!

 The Blind Side – Sandra Bullock stars to remind us that we always have something to give, and that there are amazing people out there who need us to stand up for them.

Mr. Holland’s Opus – So many people shape our lives – teachers, friends, and family. Often, these people sacrifice everything – even their dreams – to support us in ours. Such is the case for Mr. Holland! A must-see for anyone in the arts!

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